Registry Lock
■ About registry lock
Registry Lock is a service provided by the registry to protect a domain name from being hijacked. With registry lock
service activated, your domain names’ data cannot be modified or changed without the proper authorization. As this is
a registry-level protection service, it will be more strict than registrar lock.
When a registry lock is activated, the domain name’s owner information, DNS settings, and its registrar (domain
registration service provider) cannot be modified or changed. Anyone, including the registrar, cannot move, transfer
or delete the domain. If any changes are needed (such as ownership transfer and DNS settings modification), the
registry lock has to be deactivated first. To do so, the domain name holder (or the registrar, depends on the
registry’s regulations) must submit a request to the registry directly.
■ When do you need a registry lock?
As registry lock service is provided by the domain management organization itself, it is the most secure way to protect
your domain names from being hijacked.
To purchase registry lock service, the domain name owner (or the registrar) has to contact the registry directly. The same
requirement applies to service activation and deactivation. The service cannot be managed via a webpage so that no
one but the domain name owner can access the domain’s information (including DNS settings).
When a registry lock is activated, the domain’s status and data will be locked to prevent unauthorized access. Below
are a few lock descriptions:
► 「serverUpdateProhibited」:the domain owner’s information, DNS settings, and records cannot be modified
► 「serverTransferProhibited」:the domain’s registrar cannot be changed
► 「serverDeleteProhibited」:the domain cannot be deleted
■ How to activate a registry lock?
As each domain has different prices and procedures, please contact our customer support team for details.
■ Notice
1. The service is applicable for domains which are not expired yet only. The domains which are not renewed in time will
still be suspended and deleted.
2. Not every registry provides registry lock service. Please contact our customer support team directly if you want to
know more about the service.