DNS Management
What is DNS?
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, services, or other resources connected to the Internet or a private network.
*Net-Chinese provide DNS service. If you need to use our DNS to setting, please refer to the following information.
*Please refer to the following instructions of setting DNS.
* How to set A record?
* How to set MX record ?
* How to set TXT record ?
* How to set SRV record ?
* How to set CNAME record ?
Set DNS servers
Please log in your account.
Click "Domain Management".
You can check or modify the information about DNS (name servers) /IP addresses > Click "Save"
It at least needs to be set two DNS (name servers) and IP Addresses.
If you can't connect your domain name or use e-mail, please kindly check the information about DNS (name servers) /IP address after accessing the control panel and contact your host service provider.
You can check or modify the information about DNS (name servers) /IP addresses.
DNS Record Setting
If your DNS hosted by Net-Chinese:Use Net-Chinese’s DNS, you can add a new record after clicking "Record Setting" > "Add a Row"
You will get the introduction after clicking "records sample". When you finish the record setting, please click "Save".